ყივჩაღები, ბიზანტია და საქართველო
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ყივჩაღები, ყივჩაღები ბიზანტიაში, ყივჩაღები საქართველოში, ბულგართა მეორე იმპერიაანოტაცია
The relations between Byzantium and Qipchaqs (Cumans), as well as between Georgia and Qipchaqs, span several centuries. In this study, we want to present the policy of the Byzantine emperors toward the Qipchaqs. There were a lot of conflicts between Byzantium and Qipchaqs. The goal of the Qipchaqs was to plunder the territories of Byzantium and seize the booty. Byzantine and Western European sources give a good account of the nature of the Qipchaqs’ military campaigns, their battle tactics and weapons, as well as their politics. Each of these issues is important for researching the history of Qipchaqs living in Georgia because Georgian historical sources do not provide us with much information about the Qipchaqs. There are differences as well as similarities between the relationship of Byzantium and Qipchaqs and Georgia and Qipchaqs. This helps us to study the history of Qipchaqs in Georgia in more detail.