ლოგოსი https://logos.tsu.ge/index.php/logos <p>ლოგოსი - წელიწდეული ელინოლოგიასა და ლათინისტიკაში. თსუ კლასიკური ფილოლოგიის, ბიზანტინისტიკისა და ნეოგრეცისტიკის ინსტიტუტი. განახლებული, ბეჭდური და ელექტრონული, რეცენზირებადი გამოცემა.</p> TSU Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies ka-GE ლოგოსი 2667-9051 ყივჩაღები, ბიზანტია და საქართველო https://logos.tsu.ge/index.php/logos/article/view/8390 <p>The relations between Byzantium and Qipchaqs (Cumans), as well as between Georgia and Qipchaqs, span several centuries. In this study, we want to present the policy of the Byzantine emperors toward the Qipchaqs. There were a lot of conflicts between Byzantium and Qipchaqs. The goal of the Qipchaqs was to plunder the territories of Byzantium and seize the booty. Byzantine and Western European sources give a good account of the nature of the Qipchaqs’ military campaigns, their battle tactics and weapons, as well as their politics. Each of these issues is important for researching the history of Qipchaqs living in Georgia because Georgian historical sources do not provide us with much information about the Qipchaqs. There are differences as well as similarities between the relationship of Byzantium and Qipchaqs and Georgia and Qipchaqs. This helps us to study the history of Qipchaqs in Georgia in more detail.</p> ნინო კაკალაშვილი საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 10 11 42 წმინდა იმპერატორი იუსტინიანე დიდი - მაშენებელი აია სოფიისა https://logos.tsu.ge/index.php/logos/article/view/8391 <p>The article “Holy Emperor Justinian the Great – Builder of the Hagia Sophia Cathedral” is devoted to studying the history of the construction by Justinian the Great of a new, grandiose cathedral of the same name on the site of the temple Hagia Sophia, which was burned by rebels in 532. Along with well-known authors, the article also analyzes an anonymous text, dating back to the 9<sup>th</sup> century, describing this construction. The research, along with the architectural merits of the unique masterpiece of Christian architecture, presents and reveals the subjective attitude of the anonymous writer towards the Holy Emperor and the objective reasons for such an attitude.</p> გვანცა კოპლატაძე საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 10 43 58 Significare - არისტოტელეს აღნიშვნის თეორია ბოეციუსის კომენტარებში https://logos.tsu.ge/index.php/logos/article/view/8392 <p>The purpose of this article is to analyze the theory of signification, which is presented in the first chapter of Aristotle's treatise "On Interpretation" (<em>Peri Hermeneias</em>). More specifically, the main interest of the paper is the problem of the reception of this theory in the commentaries of Boethius. While commenting on five lines of the first chapter of Aristotle's treatise, Boethius develops a theory of signification which, according to some modern scholars, lays the foundation for a "psychological" interpretation of language. Within the "psychological" view of language, two aspects are highlighted by theoreticians: 1. Boethius's novel model of understanding of Aristotle's semantic triangle, in which spoken words primarily signify <em>affections of the soul</em> or (<em>mental experiences</em>) [passiones animae] and only secondarily, through their mediation, things; 2. A certain resemblance between the Boethian-Medieval scheme of "signification" and the modern concept of "meaning." In this paper, I try to show that: 1. If what is primarily signified by words are mental experiences, this does not mean that words do not signify things in any way, but rather that they (things) are objects of secondary signification. 2. The similarities between the Boethian notion of signification and the modern (derived from Frege) concept of' “meaning” are overestimated. In Frege's case, the grammatical and psychological aspects of language, in the study of logic, are less fruitful for he demands from logic a rather strict verifiability.</p> ლუკა კუჭუხიძე საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 10 59 100 ანტიკური ისტორიის საკითხები საბჭოთა პერიოდის სასკოლო სახელმძღვანელოებში https://logos.tsu.ge/index.php/logos/article/view/8393 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The main research topic of the present report is the issues of the history of antiquity in the school textbooks of the Soviet period. The report discusses all the school textbooks published in the Soviet period that dealt with the history of antiquity.</p> <p>The main problem raised in the paper is related to the following issue, namely, how Marxist theory prevailing in the totalitarian state and it’s Leninist-Stalinist variations affected the Soviet scientific community and what was the influence of the Soviet conjuncture even on such a distant era as the history of antiquity.</p> <p>The textbook is the main historical source for the work, therefore, we have used research methods typical for historiographical research. From a methodological point of view, the work is based on the method of historical cognition, which gives an opportunity to follow the development of the issue in dynamics. All the nuances of the guidelines are discussed in detail in the report. We resorted to hermeneutic and discourse analysis to identify the cultural and historical background against which the textbooks in question were written. We have used the methodology of comparative research, which allowed us to compare the historiographical differences between the textbooks.</p> <p>A complex study of the textbooks revealed that the textbooks published in the 1930s were the most free from ideological dogmas. This can be explained by the fact that the Communist Party, which did not yet have a strong foothold and there was constant tension within the party itself, was still unable to fully control all areas of public life. There was, however, from the second half of the 30’s, the situation changed dramatically. Since then, school textbooks of the Soviet period, including those of the era farthest from Soviet modernity, have turned into a powerful propaganda tool in the totalitarian state.</p> ზაზა ქარჩავა საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 10 101 119 ნოეტური სამყაროს სტრუქტურა პლოტინთან https://logos.tsu.ge/index.php/logos/article/view/8394 <p>The present article aims to gain a clear insight into the nature and structure of the Plotinian Intellect (Nous) occupying the position of a second hypostasis in Plotinus’ metaphysical system, while also showing the fundamental differences between the two worlds, the intelligible and the sensible. Pursuing this aim, I proceed in three major steps:</p> <ol> <li>The unity of the noetic world: 1. using a thorough textual analysis, the article first explains the identity of Being (ὄν = νοητόν/ intelligible), intellection or thinking (νόησις), and Intellect (νοῦς) as well as the essence of self-thinking according to Plotinus; 2. the second section concerns the “five greatest kinds”, which Plotinus takes from Plato’s <em>Sophist</em>: being, motion, rest, sameness, and otherness; 3. the third section leads to an understanding of Nous in its infinite multiplicity and diversity. In this stage, we consequently discuss the immanence of Forms in Intellect.</li> <li>Plotinian critisim of the hierarchization of the noetic world. Here I am dealing with the Ennead II 9 [33].</li> <li>Hierarchization of the noetic world in Plotinus. Here I am discussing VI 2 [43] and VI 6 [34] treatises as well as relevant scientific researches concerning these works.</li> </ol> ანა ქირია საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 10 120 176 ვარსკვლავთმრიცხველობა საქართველოში (მოკლე მიმოხილვა) https://logos.tsu.ge/index.php/logos/article/view/8395 <p>The article discusses astronomy and astrology in Georgia from the very first pictograms found in the Khvamli mountain, that present the initial point for the Georgian Era (5604 BC), till recently published interactive database “Astronomical Manuscripts in Georgia” (2015). The research deals with Georgian observatories, astrolabes, original writings that concern astro-theme (including medieval poetry and a poem that perhaps indicates to the zodiac sign of the queen Tamar), as well as translations from the Greek, Persian, Arabic sources, some of which are preserved in the Georgian repositories up to the present time, collections with zodiac sign descriptions, “brontologia”, lunar and paschal tables. The research concerns the kings David IV the Builder and Vakhtang VI, and Anthon I Catholicos-Patriarch with their major contributions to the astronomical and astrological sciences of XI-XII and XVII-XVIII cc., relates to the making of birth charts for princes in the XII and XVII cc., and by the king Vakhtang himself for his son, Bakar. It explores the unique poem composed as an epitaphy on the death of Anthon I Catholicos-Patriarch, in which, despite intolerance of astrology by the church, the merits of this high-ranking cleric are characterized by author being high-ranking cleric himself, relying on the features of astrological signs. The special attention is drawn to the lapidary inscriptions of the Lykhny church relating the apparition of Halley’s comet in 1066, to the cathedral Svetitskhoveli and Kashveti church, and their zodiac circle murals.</p> ვიქტორია ჯუღელი საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 10 177 269