The structure of the noetic world in Plotinus


  • Ana Kiria Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Plotinus, Intellect, Being, Thinking, Hierarchization


The present article aims to gain a clear insight into the nature and structure of the Plotinian Intellect (Nous) occupying the position of a second hypostasis in Plotinus’ metaphysical system, while also showing the fundamental differences between the two worlds, the intelligible and the sensible. Pursuing this aim, I proceed in three major steps:

  1. The unity of the noetic world: 1. using a thorough textual analysis, the article first explains the identity of Being (ὄν = νοητόν/ intelligible), intellection or thinking (νόησις), and Intellect (νοῦς) as well as the essence of self-thinking according to Plotinus; 2. the second section concerns the “five greatest kinds”, which Plotinus takes from Plato’s Sophist: being, motion, rest, sameness, and otherness; 3. the third section leads to an understanding of Nous in its infinite multiplicity and diversity. In this stage, we consequently discuss the immanence of Forms in Intellect.
  2. Plotinian critisim of the hierarchization of the noetic world. Here I am dealing with the Ennead II 9 [33].
  3. Hierarchization of the noetic world in Plotinus. Here I am discussing VI 2 [43] and VI 6 [34] treatises as well as relevant scientific researches concerning these works.



How to Cite

Kiria, A. (2024). The structure of the noetic world in Plotinus. Logos, 10, 120–176. Retrieved from